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Name            :  Adit
The lecturer  :   Mr. Soopo Jarwo, M.Pd.
References    :   Every English Teacher in Indonesia.


Title                        :  “English Pragmatic and Instruction”
The writer             :   Mr. Soopo Jarwo, M.Pd.
The publisher by  :  English Department University      
The price               :   -
Written for            :  Every English teachers in Indonesia
The purpose          :
     1.  To know one level of a new linguistic analysis for English teachers in Indonesia.
     2.  To clarificate a real of pragmatic, with observing the inspectation of the material.
     3.  To illuminate the idea in several terminology of pragmatic  for the teachers. They are about 
           speech act, implicature and politness.


       Pragmatic is inspecting purpose that expressing by speaker and what’s it understood by listener. Pragmatic inspects about meaning of word a a sentence building background of the contex. 
       In 1983, Levinson explined about a menaing of pragmatic.  He had a statement that pragmatic had three aspects: meaning, contex and communication. 
      Pragmatic grows fast.  It become a new part of linguistic that can stand alone.  Pragmatic also becomes a science dicipline independently that has four aspects;
1.       To commucate a meaning or purpose of statement is not absolute with one method, but it can use many kind of methods.
2.      Good speaker will devide strategy communicating according to interactional and cultural factor.
3.      The strategy for speec act can be understood as  eforts for avoid ashamed, right for speaker or opposite it.
4.      The politeness is numbered from the feeling of “petutur” and different between background of culture the one with others.


        The article is good because it gives important information about pragmatic to every English teacher in Indonesia.  The writer also gives many statements or references from several writers, that make every reader aware about the importance of pragmatic.  But, the written is less sistematic in the presentation.  For example, may be about the term of pragmatic can be written after the introduction (after first paragraph).


   I think, this article is very important to read  by every English teacher in Indonesia.

End Matter

  May, this article is used for every reader.

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